Mediation and Mediation Support


Mediation involves only one or two professionals who help the parties come to an agreement without the help of the courthouse. If the parties are represented by attorneys, they have the option to bring their attorneys with them or come without them. Either way, the parties are empowered to make their own decisions about their family without a third party making decisions for them. This often saves families a lot of money when compared to litigation (trials).

If you are working with a mediator already, we can support you by being your consulting attorney. Think of us a life coach but for your divorce or probate case. Our role as a consulting attorney means we are there to answer all of your legal questions and give you the legal answers the mediator cannot because they must remain neutral.

When the mediation process is just about over, the mediator in Oregon–but not in Washington–can draft the documents to complete your case. We highly recommend each party review the final documents with their own attorney, whether we are the mediator, or your consulting attorney.  

#1 mediation lawyer


No. Mediators need to remain neutral and the only way for that to be successful is by not taking either party’s side. Mediators can write up the final paperwork for both parties (if you are in Oregon, but not in Washington), but we cannot act as an attorney by giving either side legal advice specific to him/her/them.

We highly recommend you have an attorney to consult with throughout the mediation process and to review the final paperwork with you. Whether you want that advocate with you during mediation, or working with you as a legal coach behind the scenes, is completely up to you.

No. As mediators, our role is to help you and your family member discuss the necessary topics to get you to a resolution. We can give you information, but we do not make decisions for you, and we cannot give you any legal advice.

If you have a consultation with a collaboratively-trained attorney or a mediator, that professional will go through all of the different process options there are and help you figure out which one is best for your situation. In the meantime, some general words of wisdom are that for mediation, you and your spouse should have empathy for one another and want to avoid a courtroom process. If those two things are true, most mediators can work with any other challenges that can arise.


Our mission is to support individuals and families as they encounter some of the toughest points in their lives, with as little conflict as possible.

Myah with client
#1 Estate Law Attorney in OR and WA