Understanding Child Support: Ensuring Fair and Adequate Support for Your Children

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Understanding Child Support: Ensuring Fair and Adequate Support for Your Children


Understanding Child Support: Ensuring Fair and Adequate Support for Your Children

Understanding Child Support: Ensuring Fair and Adequate Support for Your Children

August: Child Support Awareness Month

August is Child Support Awareness Month, a time to highlight the critical importance of ensuring children receive the financial support they need and deserve. At Kehoe Moneyhun Law, LLC, we understand that navigating child support issues can be complex and emotionally charged. In this blog, we’ll provide a clear overview of child support laws in Oregon, explain how child support is calculated, and discuss the benefits of resolving these issues through mediation.

Child Support Laws in Oregon

In Oregon, child support is a legal obligation designed to ensure both parents contribute to their child’s well-being. The support amount is determined by state law guidelines, which consider various factors to ensure fair and adequate contributions from each parent. These guidelines balance the needs of the child with the financial abilities of both parents, promoting the child’s best interests above all.

How Child Support Is Calculated

In Oregon, child support is calculated based on several key factors:

  • Income of Both Parents: The combined gross income of both parents determines the total support obligation.
  • Parenting Time: The time each parent spends with the child can affect the support amount, with more parenting time potentially reducing the financial obligation.
  • Child’s Needs: Specific needs like education, healthcare, and special requirements are taken into account.
  • Other Expenses: Costs such as childcare and health insurance premiums paid by either parent are included in the calculation.

The state offers an online child support calculator that provides an estimate based on these factors. However, it’s advisable to consult with a family law attorney to fully understand the specifics of your situation.

The Benefits of Mediation in Child Support Issues

Resolving child support issues through mediation offers several advantages:

  • Amicable Resolutions: Mediation creates a cooperative environment where parents can openly discuss financial situations and the child’s needs. This approach helps in reaching a mutually acceptable agreement without the adversarial nature of court proceedings.
  • Flexibility: Mediation allows for tailored solutions specific to the family’s unique circumstances. Parents can agree on terms that might not be possible in a court-ordered arrangement.
  • Reduced Conflict: By avoiding the courtroom, mediation reduces conflict and stress, which is especially beneficial for the child. A less contentious process often leads to better co-parenting relationships post-divorce.
  • Confidentiality: Mediation sessions are private, unlike court hearings, which are public. This confidentiality helps protect the family’s privacy and reduces emotional strain.

At Kehoe Moneyhun Law, LLC, we are dedicated to helping families navigate child support issues with compassion and expertise. Our mediation services are designed to ensure that your child’s needs are met in a fair and equitable manner, providing a solid foundation for their future well-being. If you have questions or need assistance with child support matters, our experienced team is here to guide you through every step of the process.


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